Person standing on cliff

You Can Have It All - Work You Love + Freedom + Impact


I’d like to tell you a story and see if I can help you, just as someone once helped me.

Someone truly special helped me create my online business and he is doing a free Launch Masterclass so you can discover how to start and build a super successful online business that will give you all the freedom and impact you desire, like I did.

But first, to give context, a picture, taken at my home in the African bush.



That is my desk. Well one of them. I have a few workspaces spread around this beautiful place so I can soak in the amazing sights while I do what I love.

This is what a wealthy life is for me.

Being surrounded by nature in her wildest form is the most creative, inspiring and life giving place for me and I get to live her depths.

My days are simple, I wake at sunrise.



I do some meditation and yoga on my gym roof.



… and then I spend 2 to 3 hours either on a game drive or gazing out at the waterhole marvelling at the joy of being alive whilst seeing what wonders nature will reveal today.

A graceful giraffe spreading its legs wide to drink, a young kudu bull, an old buffalo, a newborn wildebeest, the pesky vervet monkeys hoping to steal some food, a herd of elephants pushing over trees, the glory of a fish eagle’s cry which always stirs something deep in my soul…

As the day gets warmer I settle down to work.

Then like the animals I have a wonderful afternoon siesta, followed by some writing (or a play with my man) and then another sojourn into the wild watching the sky turn crazy reds, oranges and pinks as the sun sets on another magnificent day of being alive.



As each day ends, I give thanks and feel immensely grateful for the choices I have and the joy of being able to live life my way!

๐Ÿ’–Super grateful that I can quite literally have it all.๐Ÿ’–

Thanks to the internet I can have my freedom (which is super important to me)


run the business I love, helping thousands of people all over the world


have income flowing in day and night to make it sustainable and enable me to reach and serve even more people.

It wasn’t always this way…

For 21 years I thought that wasn’t possible.

For 21 years I thought work and business meant having to commute, having to live near where the work was, having to be in fluorescently lit offices with endless rows of cubicles and a few weeks vacation a year to recover and get ready to go back into the trenches.

For 21 years the only business and work model I knew existed in the physical world with physical world limitations and geographic restrictions.

I think that is why I was so determined to create my own financial freedom…

… so I didn’t feel so trapped.

… so I had choices.

It wasn’t that I didn’t want to work.

I love “work” when I can do the work I love in a generative, life giving way.

I love being part of something that contributes to the world.

I love being creative, learning new things and connecting with amazing people.

I love being able to make an impact.

I believe it is a real privilege to be able to add value and make a contribution to life.

What I didn’t know was that there was a way to have it all.


Even when I created my financial freedom by having a big pile of assets working hard for me, I still had no idea how to make an impact.

I knew I was meant to contribute and help people with their money stuff, but I had no idea how to do that without compromising me.

I never imagined I’d discover a way to have freedom to live and work anywhere.

I never imagined I’d know how to reach so many people in so many places around the world.

I never imagined I could do this AND dictate the rhythm of my days,

I never imagined my “commute” would be a game drive with people I love, a morning paddle with my love or a walk with my dog.

I never imagined I’d get to connect and hang-out with so many amazing people, enjoy the world’s cultures, meet so many extraordinary students, learn to share and give abundantly without limitations or fear.

And I never imagined I’d get to meet you.

I’m so thankful you read my emails and posts.

I never foresaw Facebook or YouTube, Instagram or blogs, bestselling books or webinars or stages or radio and TV shows.




I just wanted to help others realise that their dreams are possible and learn how to make them so - by getting in right-relationship with their money stuff and learning how to invest and to get their money working for them. aka all the stuff I now get to do through The Wealth Chef.

I wanted to help others free themselves from financial constraints and get to experience real wealth and freedom too.

That was it.

And I still have the same desire today…

I’m sharing this because I know you see my books and posts and courses out there and some snapshots of my travels, my bush home and my galivants around the globe.

But behind it all, maybe you didn’t know there’s this kid still filled with wonder,…

… who still feels lucky to have discovered she didn’t have to choose between work, freedom and impact, and…

… who is in awe of the life she’s been blessed with, a life enabled by being able to create this all ONLINE.

And maybe you never realized that you can have it all too, if you wanted to.

It’s not unrealistic.

I used to build railways before my life as The Wealth Chef.

No one knew me when I began my online business.

I didn’t have a clue how to market or sell or anything about the technical components of building a multi-million dollar online business.

So it’s not like I was special or had some secret advantages or big email list or tons of brilliant ideas.

I think my only competitive advantage was that I didn’t know that I was supposed to have a competitive advantage! ๐Ÿ˜‚

My first videos were awful and my graphics were clip-art kitch with a serious dose of Bollywood bling!

I could be wrong – but maybe YOU have thought about a life like mine.

Maybe you have wanted to get your own online business working hard for you, or you want to work from a laptop somewhere awesome in the world, or have an impact where you inspire the world and share your hard-won knowledge and wisdom. 

If that happens to be you, keep reading.

(If it’s not you, I just want you to know that I’m thinking of you anyway.)

I stare across the bushveld watching giraffe, zebra, elephants, lions and precious rhino roam free and I wish everyone could be here. 

I wish you could see this and feel the dry sun on your skin.

I wish you could have your version of paradise and all the while earn whatever you desire from sharing your knowledge with the world, working on your own art, reaching so many people and pausing from time to time to watch the sun set and just play.

If you are still reading, I have an idea for you.

If you want to have an online business that gives you freedom, and you want a platform as large as mine one day, you probably need to do what I did.

Here’s what I did:

  • I found out what teachers were out there and got to know them by attending live online trainings, masterclasses and webinars;
  • I listened to those that had already created what I wanted and found out who their teachers were; 
  • I committed to my dream by signing up for an amazing online course on how to start and build my online business with a teacher I believed not only knew his stuff but was also the go to person by all the top people in the industry;
  • I attended the live event that I got with the training and continued to learn from this man  - on how to market and communicate my message;
  • I joined his coaching programme to stretch and support me; 
  • and as my business grew and succeeded thanks to his training, I was admitted into his inner circle mastermind which continues to stretch and grow every aspect of my life.

Simply put…

…I believed in my dream, I found a teacher who could help me and I took action to bring it to life.

If you’d like to model my path, you’re in luck.

That incredible teacher is Jeff Walker!

And he is about to deliver a free Live Launch Masterclass and open enrollment for this Product Launch Formula Coaching Program.
This is the program I used to learn how to create a successful (and profitable) online business. So I know it absolutely works!

There is no better person to learn from. 

This free training is an incredibly valuable opportunity to learn from the guy who invented launches and get insight into the latest trends and strategies that are working in launching.

Click here to join my PLF waitlist and I'll send you details about the Masterclass soon!

I am also a proud affiliate partner with Jeff and I support Product Launch Formula each year by offering an epic set of bonuses and additional business success training.

To be first to find out about the 2022 PLF enrolment and my bonus package, join my PLF notification list here.

I really hope you give yourself the gift of discovering how you can create a powerful wealth generating online asset that works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 12 months of the year so you can be free to do more real life living.

Sending you love from Africa.



No matter what you do, commit to having it all.

Commit to no longer compromising and
believe that you can have it all


because you can.


Big love



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