Will you follow your star?


Hey amazing,

I’ve been gazing up at the African night sky and thinking about you, about me, about life and love and wealth and all that juicy stuff. 

It’s crazy hot in the bush right now with the temperatures wallowing between 104 F to 120F (37 C to 45C). 

This means stargazing is where all the outdoor action is.

And what an amazing sight it is.

Some people feel overwhelmed and insignificant when experiencing the vastness of the galaxy. I feel the opposite. 

The fact that I exist at all is a wonder to me. 

Gazing at the Milky Way, watching Orion with his big boy belt chase Scorpio across the sky, finding south with the help of the Southern Cross’ …

… I let the wonder of it amazing me, over and over and over again.

Do you remember to let the wonder of it all amaze you?

All this wonder got me thinking about you, and the Christmas Story. 

In the Christmas Story three wise men set off to follow a star. 

They had an adventure, made a discovery and leaped onto the pages of history.


I wonder…

πŸ€” Who looked after their holiday money? 

πŸ€”Did they have a shared kitty for snacks along the way? 

πŸ€”What did they natter about? 

πŸ€”Who cooked and who washed up – or did they flip a coin?


Who knows? 

What we do know is they followed a star everyone else ignored. 

They were nonconformists with strange beliefs who had the courage of their convictions.

They took action. 

They took the first step and kept taking them.

They found the thing they sought.


How about you?

πŸ’­ Will you fly with the eagles or sit on the porch?

πŸ’­Will you bitch about the state of the world and bark at the postman?

πŸ’­Will you go on about all the reasons why you can’t have what you want?

πŸ’­Will you tell anyone who will listen how you’d love to follow your dream, BUT… 


Talk is cheap. 

It’s the stuff of “Big Hat, No Cattle” cowboys.


🌟 If you were invited to set off and follow a star, would you?

🌟 If money was no object, do you know what you would be doing with this precious life of yours? 

🌟 Do you know what your unique wealthy life contains?

🌟 Do you know, really know why you want financial freedom?


It’s hard to follow a star you can’t see.


🌟 Can you describe your unique star?

🌟 How will you measure the distance to it?

🌟 What path will you take to find it?

🌟 Do you know your next step?


An encounter with a wise teacher in the woods is part of every great journey. 

πŸ’ž Athena was it for Odysseus. 

πŸ’ž When Obi-Wan was gone, Luke went to Dagobah and Yoda became his wise man. 

πŸ’ž Mr. Miyagi stepped up for the Karate Kid and he mastered his wax-on, wax-off. 

πŸ’ž Morpheus for Neo. 

πŸ’ž Sean Maguire for Will Hunting

πŸ’ž Dumbledore From Harry Potter

πŸ’ž Galadriel for Frodo. 

πŸ’ž Miss Honey for Matilda


Who is it for you?


When you’re in the darkness of the forest look around for the teacher to help you complete your journey.

The teacher exists only to assist the wise on their adventure.

The adventure you choose is entirely up to you. 

I am simply a pathfinder, giving you the resources you need for your journey. 

Telling you what to expect on the road ahead. 

I am here to cheer you on and celebrate your success when you reach your star.

However you are spending this magical year end time,

Wherever you are,

Whoever you are with,

Whatever you are feasting on…

… give yourself a moment to turn your eyes and thoughts to the star you are following and how you are making this precious life the wealthiest, juiciest experience possible ensuring you leave this place better for having had you in it.

Will you soar with the eagles and make 2023 the year

 you follow your unique wealthy life star?

Thank you for believing in your dreams, for choosing to live the greatest version of your life, for mastering your money and inspiring others to do the same. 

Thank you for being in my life and allowing me to support you a little way on your magnificent journey.

With huge love


And for a little African bush stargazing inspiration... 


Photo by Villiers Steyn taken on the Balule Game Reserve in the Greater Kruger National Park where my little piece of heaven is.

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