Why Stopping Is Often The Fastest Way To A Wealthy Life
Oh, I’d love to take a break BUT there is just no way I can.
Does this sound familiar?
I used to believe down time was a luxury, or worse, if I did stop and rest I’d somehow be failing!
Recharging was something you only did when:
- You deserved it (the “be a good girl” syndrome)
- You are close to collapse or preferably already collapsed (the martyr syndrome)
- You proved you could tough it out and work harder than everyone else ( the “look I’m not lazy so you can love me now” syndrome)
- When I’ve achieved x, y and z then I can rest (the dreaded if… then trap)
When it’s written like that it looks like lunacy but I know I’m not alone.
Thankfully I’ve learned that stopping and recharging is far from a luxury and one of the most powerful habits of seriously successful and wealthy people.
Pulling back, breathing in and refuelling your mind, body and spirit is a vital recipe for living a wealthy life and the bigger your big, juicy unlimited life is, the more you need to make recharging a must.
Think about it – even supercars need to come out of the race to get refuelled and have a tire change.
When you’re racing around the sun at 30 km/s (18.5 miles/sec) you need to take your super car (you) into the pits for a full service, oil and lube change and some good panel beating before you can charge forward again.
That’s exactly why I have made a habit of checking out every so often.
I take the time I need to recoup, rejuvenate and recharge.
I’ve had an epic few months and I’m getting ready to charge into my next chapter with huge plans and a BIIIIIGGGG mission … so I’m recharging.
Here’s why you should think about doing the same thing…
What are your favourite ways to recharge and what ways are you going to schedule “pit-stops” into your days, weeks, and your big juicy unlimited year?
I’d love to hear from you, drop me a mail on [email protected] and let’s share our recharging stories.
Share as much detail as possible as thousands of Wealth Chef’s in the making come here each week for juicy wealth snacks, insight and inspiration as they create their financial freedom too. Your ideas and shares may trigger someone to have a big breakthrough.
Thanks as always for reading, watching and sharing so generously and for choosing to master this key ingredient money and live your un-limited life.
With huge love,