The Laws of Nature Are They Working For You or Against You?

Einstein called it the 8th natural wonder of the world.  

Banks and lenders love it.  

Wealth Chefs understand that it is the single most important wealth accelerator in their wealth pantry and use it to create huge wealth.  

Most use it against themselves. 

So, what is it?

Compound Interest...

Compounding is where the money you earn from your money goes on to earn more money without you doing anything, accelerating your wealth significantly.  

Compounding is also where you get charged interest on debts you owe, then interest gets charged on the interest, accelerating your debt into the stratosphere, making you very poor – and someone else very rich, at your expense.

If you truly understand compounding, you will never again use credit to buy stuff and you will never, ever again rob your investments.  

Compounding is the miracle accelerator 

in your wealth cooking.  

It is the yeast that makes your money expand.  But just like yeast, it needs to be left to do its job. 

 It needs time and the right environment to expand.

Compounding is just a law of nature, 

not a value judgement.  

Just like yeast, compounding does its job, no matter who uses it or when. 

It makes no value judgments, it will work for whoever’s mastered it. 

It doesn’t say: “Oh gee, this is a nice person, I’ll wait till he/she has investments.” 

Compounding will work against you if you’re in debt, and work for you if you have investments: it’s as simple as that.

Here’s an example: 

If you leave a measly $10 alone, invested at 10% for 10 years, it becomes $25.90. Two and a half times its original size without any extra investment.  

In 200 years, that $10 compounded at 10% becomes $4465 million, all by itself.  

If this is the power of compounding over time, imagine the impact of combining the power of compounding with regular investment contributions by paying yourself first and reinvesting your investment returns so that compounding can do its magic on that money too.

Okay, so you can manage a bit more than $10 and you don’t want to wait 200 years. If from the day you start earning to the day you retire, let’s say from 18 to 65, you take just $250 a month and invest that in a low-cost fund returning a very achievable average return of 10% per annum, you will be a multi millionaire with $3 231 700.  Better still, you would have only put in $141 000.

For those who need extra convincing: if you invest just 10% of your income at an average market return during your entire working life, that money will make you twice as much money – yes, it will create twice as much money as you earn in your entire working career. How mind-blowing is that?

That measly little 10% goes to work, like the elves helping the shoemaker, and ends up making twice the money you do!

Better still, it doesn’t need a house, it doesn’t need a cell phone or fancy wardrobe. It doesn’t need anything, except your guidance and to be left alone in a lovely wealth-producing environment in your asset drawer!

Here is a great compounding interest calculator you can use to see the effect of this magical wealth accelerator. 

>>> Compound Calculator <<<

Most people choose to use compounding against themselves.  

Be one of the smart ones, make the Laws of Nature work for you.

Most people work hard for their money and then give it all away to
compounding interest.

Wealth chef’s make their money work hard for them with the
power of compounding - and get to experience a freedom like no others.



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