Wealth Law #5: Energize Your Wealth Creation with the Law of Energy

The fifth and final law of wealth is the Law of Energy. 

This law is about how we harness energy from within to do what we want, what we need, and to stay connected with life, alive, sparkling, and delighted.

I have the privilege of hanging out with some amazing people because I choose to place myself in spaces and rooms with individuals who inspire me, who make me want to be a better version of myself, and who challenge what I believe is possible and true for myself.

Click here to watch the video and learn about the delicate balance between effort and energy. 

A few years ago, I met up with one of my mastermind colleagues in a business mastermind group, and we met at her office. This was pre-COVID when physical offices were still the norm. 

Her office was buzzing with energy—clean, organized, with her team moving around, connecting, and meeting. 

There was a lot of what the Chinese would call "happy noise," the buzz of people energized and focused. You could feel the energy of the place.

After seeing this, we went out for breakfast and had a great time discussing our goals, what was happening in our lives, and the projects we were working on. 

I jokingly asked her, “Wow, doesn’t all this effort and activity tire you out sometimes? How do you manage it all?” 

She stopped and said something that really hit me hard. 

It was powerful because it reflected something I already knew to be true in my life.

People often ask me, “Ann, you have such amazing energy. How do you do it? How do you fit in everything you do? Your life is so full and varied—where does this energy come from?” 

My friend said to me, “I don’t think of it as effort. I get to do this. How amazing is that? I get to do this. I don’t have to do this.”

The Power of Choice: "I Get to Do This"

Her statement really landed for me—the difference between energy and effort, force and power. 

There’s a delicate balance between not forcing things and creating the life we want, which does take energy.

Most people, when trying to achieve a goal, focus on overcoming obstacles with sheer effort. They think, “I have to work harder, put in more effort, struggle, use willpower and determination.”

Often, they’re fighting against themselves, moving forward but with the brakes on, focusing on the pain, the sacrifices, and what they have to give up. 

I see some people approach wealth creation with a sense of obligation, almost resenting the process. 

They think, “I have to restrict myself, limit myself,” and no wonder it’s hard to maintain that energy.

If effort were the key to success, we would see successful people exhausted all the time, and unsuccessful people bouncing off the walls with energy. 

But that’s not the case. 

Yes, some grumpy people are successful, but many people work incredibly hard and are still poor, drained, and exhausted.

Energy vs. Effort: The Subtle Difference

Energy versus effort can be a difficult concept to describe.

It comes from within first, rather than expecting external forces to energize us. 

How do we love what we do? By bringing love to the task first. 

How do we bring ourselves fully to an experience? By starting with wonder, awe, gratitude, and delight.

The first step is remembering that we get to do this thing called life. 

We get to be great leaders of our money. 

We get to make choices that fill our lives. 

This is something we have agency over—we don’t have to do it. Another quote I love is, “There are no obligations, just consequences.” 

When we stop thinking we should do something or have to do something, we free ourselves from depletion.

Instead, we embrace the mindset of, “I get to do this, and I choose to.”

The Balance Between Attention and Effort

Energy versus force is like carrying a cup of coffee across the room. 

If you focus too much on not spilling the coffee, you’ll end up spilling it. 

But if you don’t pay enough attention and just slosh around, you’ll also spill it.

There’s a zone in between—just enough attention, with a deep sense of ease, as you glide through the task. Not too much, not too little—just enough.

Next time you’re stressed out and feeling stiff, notice your breath and your physiology. 

Are you breathing deeply? 

Are your shoulders relaxed? 

Are you approaching life from a centered place? 

What are you focusing on? 

Are you seeing all the ways you’re behind, not good enough, or focusing on the gaps in your life?

Or are you noticing the wins, the small victories that add up?

Embracing the Wonder of Expectation

When you set your intention and give attention to everything around you, while steadily moving forward, you’ll find a peace and joy that feels effortless. 

This is the amazing paradox—the more effort we put into something, the more energy we lose. The more energy we bring, the more effortless things become.

I love going on game drives in the wild, and I often remind myself to remember the feeling of being on a game drive. 

When I set off in my GameViewer, I’m in a state of wondrous expectation.

I put myself out there, expecting great things, but not demanding them. 

I’m alert, grateful for every bird, every dung beetle, and every little thing that comes along.

I wonder, “What could be around the next corner?”

Restoration of energy through completion

Another thing that impacts our energy is incompletions. 

When we have massive to-do lists of things we believe we need to do in order to be okay, it can be exhausting. 

This is the fine balance between having great goals and expectations and understanding that we will never experience everything we want. And that’s okay.

The more things we say we have to do, the more our lives fill up. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t make commitments. 

It’s important to notice what tasks you believe you have to complete, and whether they’re still right for you.

There are three key ways to complete tasks:

  • Deem Them Complete 

Let go of tasks or goals that are no longer applicable. Delete those old emails, close out projects that no longer serve you, and restore your energy by completing things.

  • Take Action

Focus on completing tasks. Schedule time, make plans, and stick to them. Trust your system and know that you have control over your tasks.

  • Declare Completion

Some things just need to be declared complete, even if they’re not finished. This could mean letting go of obligations, deleting unused resources, or changing your goals.

Bringing Energy Back Into Your Life

To bring energy back into your life, do fewer things really well. 

Deem other things complete.

Approach life knowing that you get to do this—you don’t have to.

Huge “Energetic” love, 


P.S I encourage you to look at how ALL 5 of the Core Laws of Wealth are impacting your life currently. If you can practice these laws into your life, making yourself aware and seeing if you can make them a part of the way you choose to live your life - you will fully, wealthily and consciously take back the reins of agency in your life around this area. 

Wealth law 1: Transform Your Life with the Law of Cause and Effect

Wealth Law 2: How Perception Shapes Your Reality

Wealth Law 3: It’s All About the Meaning

Wealth Law 4: Harness the Law of Vacuums to Attract Abundance

Wealth Law 5: Energize Your Wealth Creation with the Law of Energy

Wealth Made Simple.

Finally , the way to your wealthy life laid out in clear, straightforward steps Know where you are, where you need to be and how to get there in this powerful 5 day course.