Stop Trying To Change The World
Here’s a wake up call…
If you are familiar with Alcoholics Anonymous, saw the Denzel Washington movie ‘Flight’ or read Kurt Vonnegut’s ‘Slaughterhouse Five’ then you will have heard at least the first part of the Serenity Prayer, attributed to Protestant theologian Reinhold Niebuhr.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
The prayer is humble, but its message is profoundly powerful.
I shot this video for you while I was in Sri Lanka recently, exploring one of the secrets behind the Serenity Prayer’s power. One of the timeless truths that challenge us to re-imagine what it takes to experience and live our wealthiest lives.
Go watch the video here – Stop Trying To Change The World
One of my take-away’s from the prayer is this;
Acceptance is the bravest thing we can do.
When we expend our precious resources of time, energy, focus and money trying to change things outside of ourselves on the basis that we can’t do what we want to do until those things (or people) change – we are squandering our precious life force and using the outside world as a convenient excuse to play small mean lives.
Scary stuff indeed!!
Once you’ve had a chance to watch, I’d love to hear from you.
Please let us know in the comments on the youtube video:
What is something outside of yourself you’ve been trying to change or waiting to change before you get on with doing what you really want to do?
If you let go of that thing now, what will it free you up to do?
Tell us about it in the comments below the video on youtube.
Remember to share as much detail as possible as thousands of Wealth Chef’s in the making come here each week for juicy wealth snacks, insight and inspiration as they create their juicy financially free lives too.
Your ideas and shares may trigger someone to have a big breakthrough.
With huge love,