Are You Living A Designed Life?
I’m a big believer in our ability to determine the quality of our life and the power of our mind to create success and wealth.
But sometimes it can be hard to get into the right mindset to do this… and as a result we can end up living a drifted, depleted, rather sad and frustrating life… instead of the designed, wealthy, joyful one that is available to us.
We’re all so busy with work and family and the adulting of life that the idea of taking time out to dream and visualise and get clear on what we actually want can feel a bit silly or even self-indulgent.
Even if we know how powerful it is… it can also feel like yet another thing to add on the huge to do list.
But I promise you, getting clear on what you actually want and following a structured process to create THAT life is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your wealth!
When we give ourselves permission to stop for a moment and imagine the life we want to be living…
When we dare to allow ourselves to think about what we really want…
When we are crazy enough to believe what we want can really be true for us…
That’s when the most magical, incredible things can happen!
If you want to create success and have the life you dream of, then you have to get really intentional about it.
You have to believe that you’re worthy of it… because you absolutely are.
Using a range of high-performance techniques – like goal setting, micro habit stacking, routines, rituals, 25-year frameworks, the focus of five, 90-day mapping, and others – I believe that anyone can make a designed wealthy life a reality.
What is a designed life?
In the Design Your Wealthy Life Workshop I explain the difference between a “drifted” and a “designed” life – and I explain why real, sustainable wealth can only ever be achieved by design.
Listen to what a designed life is and how to create your own.
What is a drifted life?
I think the lyrics of the 80’s song “Once in a Lifetime” by Talking Heads sum up a drifted life perfectly.
And you may find yourself
Living in a shotgun shack
And you may find yourself
In another part of the world
And you may find yourself
Behind the wheel of a large automobile
And you may find yourself in a beautiful house
A drifted life is “finding” yourself somewhere… a place you didn’t consciously take yourself to.
And you may ask yourself, well
How did I get here?
And you may ask yourself
Am I right? Am I wrong?
And you may say yourself
"My God! What have I done?"
β OMG, what have I done with
this one precious life I was given? β
That is the devastation of a drifted life.
So let me ask you…
- What are your criteria for wealthy life success?
- How will you know when you are living your unique wealthy life?
What are the things that, when you have them and experience them, will make you go…
β Hell yeah! This is my beautiful, wealthy life! β
Everyone measures wealth and success differently.
What matters is that each of us knows what our unique wealthy life is all about, that we ensure we are using our time, energy, creativity, money and life to live it.
β If you aren’t creating the life of your dreams,
then what’s the point of living it at all? β
Here’s to living life on our terms.
Big love,
P.S. You can give yourself the gift of doing the Design Your Wealthy Life workshop to ensure that you don’t put off one moment longer the task of actively designing and creating your reality – and not just drifting around like a rudderless ship without a captain at the helm, letting life happen to you.