Leverage 101 - How To Use Good Debt To Accelerate Your Freedom


  • Why is it so sexy? 
  • Why do you want it working on your assets? 
  • Why is investment property the coolest asset class for you to be applying leverage on? and 
  • How do you use it to accelerate your time to freedom?

These are just some of the seriously wealthy questions this video answers.

Go here to watch the video now. 


I remember when I first really understood leverage and the potential it had to significantly shorten my time to freedom.  I kept going back to the numbers, incredulous at what they were showing me. There was this excitement building up inside of me, growing bigger and bigger as I started to understand that with this I would be financially free in just a few years, yet I was afraid to really believe it. 

  • Was this really so? 
  • Was it really possible? 
  • Could I double, triple my rates of return by borrowing money?

No matter how I prodded and poked at the figures they always came out the same way, it was true…

Using other people’s money, specifically the banks, 

will create your freedom faster!

And that is exactly what I did!  

In the video I also share why using leverage will often make your investing SAFER!

I hope this lesson, which is basically the one I was given that day I finally understood leverage, has enabled you to understand its potential when used wisely and more importantly why it is such a powerful tool to use to accelerate your freedom.

Keep learning and growing because as you know being great with money and creating a juicy feast of a life is a learned skill



P.S. Did you spot the mistake in my leveraged option calculation and tell me what it was and what the actual rate of return is. HINT: it’s even higher. This goes to show that even when you underestimate the income and growth it still works!

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