It’s All Because of You
That’s right, where-ever you are right now, is because of you.
Regular readers of my “Wealth Snacks” know I believe you can only become financially free when you commit to taking control of your own finances.
Isn’t it ironic that in so many aspects of our lives, you can only find real freedom when you commit.
You only find real freedom to love and be who you are in a relationship when you commit to really being in the relationship.
You find freedom of expression when you commit to finding and speaking in your own voice.
You find financial freedom when you commit to being wealthy and doing what it takes to achieve it.
You can only take control of your finances when you take personal responsibility for your own financial wellbeing. I will go even further and say, committing to take personal responsibility for your current financial position, whatever it is, is the single most important step on your journey to financial freedom.
If your current financial situation is something you would rather hide under the carpet than claim fully, then this is definitely your first step.
But Ann, you just don’t understand, it’s not my’s... (Which of these resonated with you)
- My parents
- Where I was born
- My siblings
- My partner
- The economy
- The Government
- My Boss
- My employees
- My kids
- My race
- My health
- My color
- My sex
- My age
- Or...just bad luck…
In the moment it may help numb the pain of your situation by flicking the responsibility onto someone or something else, but... and it’s a very BIG BUTT…
As long as you believe your financial situation is someone else’s responsibility you can do absolutely nothing to change it.
Every sword has two sides.
Perhaps your financial situation is pretty good, you have money in your life, your wealth pots are growing nicely and financially freedom is around the corner. The same principle still applies. You must take full responsibility for your financial situation. Don’t dismiss it as just luck, or due to pretty much the same list of reasons as above.
If you want to accelerate your Financial Freedom journey and be and feel even wealthier, then you absolutely must acknowledge and celebrate the things you have already achieved and are doing well.
Committing each day to your wealth and to taking responsibility for your own financial position is the best financial decision you can ever make.