How To Thrive In A Bear Market

Bear markets can feel scary.

Seeing your net worth drop is never a fun experience. 

Add rapidly rising inflation and escalating costs to falling share prices, even the hardiest among us can start feeling jittery.

It's at this jittery uncertain point that mistakes get made. 

People panic and do seriously “unwealthy” things like stopping their regular investing – or worse, they sell their investments “hoping” to minimise the loss… only to lock it in.

The wealthy actions we should all be taking at times like these are not that difficult to do, but often difficult to remember. 

They can seem counterintuitive and are often not the things we naturally turn to when the news is shouting at us to panic.

This is why I reminded my Wealth Builder Club members in the monthly Ask Ann Anything Q&A session “What To Do And How To Survive Thrive In A Bear Market.”  

Watch this video to get your Bear Market Thriving Plan and see what actions you should be taking depending where you are on your financial freedom journey.



Remember, when markets are down they represent a juicy buying opportunity. It’s like a super sexy sale where you can pick up a bunch of fabulous companies at discounted prices – but only if you are able to see it for what it is. 

The actions you take in down times
determine how well you do in up times.

In the session I speak about ensuring all your powerful Wealth Chef skills and habits are working hard for you. 

If you do not yet have all your Wealth Cheffing ways firmly locked into your life, head over to our Masterclass Library and do a few of the masterclasses based on where there are gaps in your life. 

Go here to check out the Masterclass Library.

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