Setting Up Your Online Passive Income Business
PART 3 of a 4-part Passive Income Stream training series
You can have a fantastic product or service aligned to a market with demand and money in it.
You can have awesome branding and amazing customer service.
- if nobody knows your business, product or service exists,
- if you don’t have an automated way to deliver the product or service and
- if you have no way to generate revenue from it…
… you are dead in the water!
More specifically your business is dead and with it your dream of having a business asset generating loads of fabulous cash to fuel your financial freedom!
Letting that happen to you is not an option!
That is why in Part 3 of this Online Passive Income Stream Business mini training series is all about how to put the marketing and sales system in place so your online business runs on autopilot making it truly passive.
You’ll learn the fundamentals of online marketing so that people know your product or service exists and how to deliver that product or service automatically via online systems.
This video is all about Online Marketing systems and understanding the different components you need in place to run a successful and financially abundant passive online business.
Watch the video now.
Now that you understand the different components that make up an online passive income stream business you will need to select the software programmes needed to deliver that specific requirement.
Many people ask me about the different tools I use in my online business in these different components. I have tried many different tools and there are hundreds of different options available to you. But the problem with choice is the sheer overwhelm of how to choose which often prevents people from ever starting.
So these are the tools I use and recommend for each component of my online business. I hope they save you hours of frustration:
Sales Pages, Email marketing, Payment Gateway and Product Delivery System all in one
I LOVE Kajabi.
All my online courses are hosted on Kajabi as is my website and blog posts.
Video Production & Hosting
All my videos are hosted on Vimeo . I like the security of knowing this key element of my business is safely stored and there is no risk of computer crashes and so forth. Plus you can link the videos from Vimeo directly into kajabi and also to other services like which I use to get transcripts and captions.
For taking payments I use Stripe and Paypal which integrate directly with Kajabi.
The most important thing is to get going. Don’t let yourself get stuck in analysis paralysis.
Here’s to more and more passive income streams flowing into your life.
Big love
P.S - In part 1 of this mini training series you discovered that a passive income stream business is a business that has assets within it that can generate income and grow in value without you needing to be involved in the value for money exchange. If you haven’t seen that video yet go here to watch it >> Passive Income Business Part 1
In part 2 you learned how to select your online passive business niche to ensure it will be a financial success by finding the sweet spot where your Passions & Interests, your Skills & Expertise and one of the four primary money making markets overlap. If you haven’t watched that video yet go here >>> Part 2: How to Select Your Online Passive Income Business Niche
In Part 4 you’ll discover the three primary online passive income stream business revenue models like doing launches which is one of my favourite revenue models.