Roasted meat

Cooking Your Goose

Aka, how to destroy your financial freedom!

The best way to ensure your financial feast is destroyed is to cook and eat the goose that lays the golden egg.

How do you cook your golden goose?
You spend every cent you earn and more.

You take every bit of money you get and gobble it down… and then you borrow other peoples’ golden goose eggs and eat them too. Most people just see a goose to eat.

People who understand money understand the
value of their goose. They understand that money
is meant to make more money.

Just the other day I was chatting with some friends and told them about a  lump sum of money I had received. Their first response was, “Cool, Ann – so what are you going to spend it on?”

This is what we have been taught as a society – I call it the break-even culture – everything that comes in must go straight out again.

It’s as though we have been taught that keeping some of your hard earned money is bad. The tragedy is that this thinking ensures that you never get off the gigantic hamster wheel where you’re constantly having to bring in more just to stand still.

With just a tiny tweak in thinking and action it can be all so different.

Wealth Chefs not only ensure that they keep some
of everything they earn – they know they are
allowed to keep some of everything they earn. 

Radical thinking.

Wealth people understand that there is a little step between bringing money in and spending it.

That step is to pay themselves first – to put money into the asset drawer in their wealth pantry and buy assets that put their money to work for them.

They not only get to have some money stay in their lives, they get to spend what that money earns. Talk about a win all round!

Wealth Chefs nurture their money like the golden goose it is. They understand that money is meant to make more money and that the only place it can do that is in the asset drawer.

They make sure they give their money a safe and nurturing environment in their lives where it can lay more eggs, which they nurture when they hatch until they have a whole flock of golden geese laying even more eggs! 

They go on hatching eggs until they have a big enough flock to lay all the eggs they could ever need to feed themselves and those they love, forever.

Money cooks roast and eat the goose
as soon as it steps into their lives.
Wealth chefs nurture the golden goose.

Download your free ebook on what you need to do differently to be financially free.



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