Are You Focusing on Being NOT POOR?

How to Destroy Your Financial Freedom!

A sure way to guarantee never being wealthy is to focus on NOT being poor. 

Energy flows, where focus goes.  

For most money cooks, it is much more important to them to be NOT poor than it is to be rich.

At my live talks and workshops, I often ask people what they want.  Over 95% will tell me something they don’t want. 

Ann, I don’t want to be poor” ...

I don’t want to end up a bag lady” ...

I don’t want my kids to have to support me financially when I’m old.” 

So, let’s see what happens...

Joe knows when he’s poor. For Joe, this is when he has only $500 left in his bank accounts. Joe doesn’t want to be poor, the thought of being poor makes him feel terrible so when his bank account starts getting near $500 he cuts back on his spending and puts some money into an investment. 

He is motivated.  Yeah, I’m not poor.

A few months later, Joe sees his money is doing exactly what it is made to do, it’s making more money. 

His bank balances are increasing and he is well above $500.

Wow, Joe feels great, he is NOT POOR – he has achieved his goal. 

Off Joe goes to buys something to celebrate, on credit of course or even better, he steals from himself by taking the money his money has made and spends it on something useless he will feel nothing about in days.  Wham, Joe is straight back to where he started!  Once again he feels poor and the cycle begins again.

Why is this?

All Joe’s motivation to invest came from his desire to be NOT POOR. 

As soon as he feels NOT POOR all his motivation evaporates. 

The exact same cycle happens with people who focus on being NOT FAT rather than being slim or healthy.  But this seems crazy. 

Why do people do this?  Because its more important to them to be NOT POOR, than it is to be WEALTHY!

Let me say that again.  It’s more important to the money cook to be NOT poor than it is to be RICH. 

As soon as they have a little bit of money put away and starting to make money, they no longer feel poor.  So all the motivation to be NOT poor is gone and they rob themselves.

Money cooks focus on being NOT POOR.

Wealth chefs focus in being RICH.

If you are focusing on NOT being poor, you can't focus on FREEDOM, I have a question for you...

Do you even know what "wealthy" truly means for you? 

Do you know the precise amount of money required to live the life you desire. a life of freedom and wealth?

Most people don't know the answer to either of these questions, and well... if we don't know where we are headed then anywhere will do and that has a devastating impact on your financial freedom journey. 

Huge "NOT POOR" love, 


P.S If you want to: 

  • Define what wealthy means to you
  • Discover the exact amount of money you need to live your dream life
  • Identify your unique financial freedom number needed to attain this lifestyle
  • Understand what you need to be investing in to create this life

PLUS... Learn the specific investment strategy to achieve your goals then my 5 day Wealth Made Simple Challenge is perfect for you.

Over these 5 days we will help you define and discover these key aspects of your financial freedom journey! 

Click here to join the 5 day challenge!

Wealth Made Simple.

Finally , the way to your wealthy life laid out in clear, straightforward steps Know where you are, where you need to be and how to get there in this powerful 5 day course.