Why being an April Fool is good for your wealth
1 April has long been a day of pranks, silly jokes, kids leaping out from behind anything they can find and well general silliness.
But what has April Fools Day, this most lighthearted day of the year, got to do with fabulously foolish financials?
You see April 1 has long been celebrated as a day to celebrate, well, foolishness to be exact. And...
I’m thrilled I am foolish…
... if I wasn’t I would never have created my own financial freedom!
I am thrilled you are foolish like me…
... because it is that exact foolishness that will be your liberation.
- What could be more foolishly fabulous than deviating from the masses of the world who will only ever know scarcity?
- What if more outrageous than saying not to never experiencing financial enoughness?
- What is sillier than knowing the joy and lightheartedness of a life with no anxiety or stress about money.
- What is more subversive than choosing to break out of the mass unconsciousness?
- What is more jester-like than challenging the status quo that states people like us have to work hard to earn money for a long long time and just maybe at the end of a long hard working life get to play and be lighthearted for a bit. That is if you have any spark left in you to play at life?
It is foolish to believe financial abundance and peace of mind is something that can be consciously created and something that can be learnt!
It is very foolish to believe that not only it financial freedom possible but that it is possible for you!
Part of being foolish is being curious. And I’m always curious about where these traditions come from.
So where did April Fools Day this day come from?
One of the myriad of theories as to why we get all silly and have fun playing pranks on this particular day is that it was the last day of a week long party the French held to celebrate spring and the beginning of a New Year.
Starting on around 25 March at the Spring Equinox, the party would begin with endless frivolity and celebration to recognise new beginnings, fresh starts and be a reminded that everything has a season. It also reminded people to plant. Plant for the next year to come and beyond, to let go of the old and mostly to remind themselves that everything is possible no matter what has come before.
The final day was the pièce de résistance of all this foolishness…
... The Feast of Fools
How bloody awesome is that!
Can you now see why I can’t think of a better day to invite you to foolishly embrace your financial freedom?
Choose today to plant some amazing seeds in your being, seeds of knowledge that will take you to your fabulously foolish life you foolishly know is yours to be lived and keep celebrating the Foolish Financial Feast you are creating.
Here are a few foolish ideas:
- Pay off some consumer debt and commit to setting up a consistent debt blitzing plan.
- Get rid of an expense that isn’t bringing you joy.
- Set up regular no money fundays where you get to free your creativity to come up with the funnest things to do for free
- Get investing and start your passive investing portfolio or increase it if you are already have one - Watch this free Passive Investing Training to get going fast
- Teach your kids about money - watch this video to know exactly how to make your kids money savvy
- Read a bestselling wealthy book like The Wealth Chef
In the comments below please tell me:
“what financial freedom seeds you are going to foolishly plant knowing that that is how you create you fabulously financially free future?”
And if you aren’t yet convinced to get foolish…
Many different cultures have days of foolishness around the start of April, give or take a couple of weeks. The Romans had a festival named Hilaria on March 25, rejoicing in the resurrection of Attis. The Hindu calendar has Holi (that awesome festival where you get covered in colours), and the Jewish calendar has Purim.
Perhaps there's something about the time of year, with its turn to a new season, that lends itself to light hearted celebrations and to reconnecting and reviving dreams.
Keep it fun and lighthearted - your financial well being is very serious business but that doesn’t mean it has to be boring or dull!
Big juicy foolish love
P.S. If you dream of having your financial life foolishly fabulous - it would be seriously foolish not to take advantage of this APRILSCOOL crazy foolish 50% off flash sale.
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